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Hello friend!

 I'm Effie!


Short for Stephanie, my father started calling me Effie when I was in middle school, and it just stuck!



I went from dreading work to taking control and loving my career!

I once believed I was in my dream career – it felt like a thrilling adventure with limitless possibilities for growth and joy! But this excitement was short-lived when a toxic coworker showed her true colors. When I went to my director, my concerns were swept under the rug. I felt utterly alone. Then, the pandemic hit, and after the initial shock, I found freedom being away from the office. It was during this time at home that I discovered a newfound passion for exploring the positive aspects of work.


Returning to the office after the furlough was heart-wrenching; I found myself in tears, knowing nothing had changed. Finally my toxic coworker had left but the traits were still there. Years later,

I was up for a promotion, and management had been working with me on learning

the ropes so I could do the job. I felt I was on top of the world. Then I heard those words.


Someone else received the promotion.” That someone had been on our team for less

than a year and I had actually trained her in everything she knew. 


 I had become adept at convincing myself to stay, often lured by promises

of promotions and temporary relief from the toxicity.  I was finally seeing the last straw,

that workplace had broken my spirit. I knew I had to find a way out, so I did. 


That way out  led me to create Career Twist – dedicated to empowering

women to escape toxic work environments. Through my own experience,

I realized the importance of not just leaving a toxic workplace but also

helping others find their way to fulfilling and positive careers. I am here as a

passionate cheerleader for the countless burnt-out women who, like me,

crave a workplace where they can thrive and truly love what they do.

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It's time to stop dreading Monday!

Looking to start your journey to your dream job?

Are you scrolling job boards and unsure what job you really want to do?



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